Blogger is an absolute joke.

I wanted a place to write the odd musing and I made the choice to use blogger because blogger is an absolute joke and everything else is also about to become an absolute joke so that seemed appropriate.  Why is it an absolute joke?  Well look at it.  It's a 'product' of one of the biggest tech companies, literally Googl,e and it looks like it has been updated... never.

The situation is that Google cannot or does not wish to provide a decent looking platform for writing things on the internet.  It is so bad that it realistically couldn't be worse.  Even if it was just plain text on a grey background then that would be kind of cool in a way, but no Google has to have this kind of rubbish.

Currently there are only a few reasons why a person might use blogger.

1) They might be ignorant.  They might not know how to use anything else, or that there is anything else to use.

2) They might be lazy because it is so easy to access, and so they're not bothered investigating other options even when they can.

3) They might be insane.  Their thinking might be so disordered that they think blogger is good in some way or that it looks good or it is good.

4) They might want to show you that blogger is an absolute joke.
